2.4. SLURM
: HPC Job Manager#
Job schedule management on most clusters
See more: slurm.schemd.com
2.4.1. Pre-Installed Softwares#
there are sevearl preinstalled software you can use
They can be started with the command,
Some softwares may not be accessible by default and must be loaded in
This allows Research Computing to provide multiple versions of the software concurrently and enables users to easily switch between different versions.
2.4.2. SLURM Commands#
sbatch SCRIPT
scancel JOBID
SLURM commands will have the letter 's' before it. This seems to confuse a lot of people when they first learn. To help you remember, try recalling that we use `ssh` to login to the computer.
When you access the supercomputer remotely (
ssh username@hostname
)you will always start at
, check by running the command,pwd
Slurm Scripts
It will be important for you to differentiat between a shell script and a Slurm script. When I make files, I typically use the file extention .slurm
for jobs I plan to submit to the cluster. The slurm scripts have a specific notation you must follow.
Directives (#SBATCH
The way that Slurm determines how to allocate your jobs to the cluster (i.e. across how many compute nodes, with how many CPUs, for how long etc) is via Slurm directives that are included at the top of your job script. These directives are indicated by lines starting with #SBATCH
. Common types of jobs are:
#SBATCH --output=%j.out
#SBATCH --error=%j.err
echo "Hello World!"
#SBATCH --output=%j.out
#SBATCH --error=%j.err
#SBATCH --gres=gpu:1
echo "Hello World!"
##SBATCH --nodes=NODES
##SBATCH --ntasks=NTASKS
##SBATCH --output=%j.out
##SBATCH --error=%j.err
##SBATCH --mem=0
##SBATCH --exclusive
echo " Wow you dick."
To submit a .slurm
job use sbatch
. Alternatively, you can cancel it with scancel
sbatch job.slurm # This will print a JOB_ID
scancel JOB_ID
squeue # All jobs queue
squeue -u username # your usernameUSERNAME queue