git Examples (CC-ATS)#

Clone Github repository#

  • Make a copy of the CC-ATS ‘literature’ Repository cc-ats

  • Click the green button labeled code

  • Copy the ssh or html link

  • Run the following on your local machine

    • I keep this in a directory called ccats

cd ~
mkdir -p ccats 
cd ccats
git clone 

Clone in sparse mode#

  • For new clones

  • Only copy the group meeting directory

git clone --no-checkout
cd literature
git spare-checkout init --cone
git spare-checkout set group_meetings
git checkout master

Updating the reposiory#

  • For research udpates

  • git pull / git push

# go to the ~your~ research updates
cd ccats /literature/group_meetings/research_updates/$USER 
git add .                                                   
git commit -m "researach update"
git push