Helpful stuff#

Curated list of Python frameworks, libraries, software and resources.

Data Analysis / Cleaning#

  • NumPy

  • pandas

  • SciPy

  • prettypandas

  • dora

  • arrow


  • pickleDB

  • tinydb

Data Visualization#

  • matplotlib

  • seaborn

  • plotly

  • bokeh

  • plotnine


  • sphinx

GUI Development#

  • DearPyGui

  • Tkinter

  • pywebview

Interactive Interpreters#

  • Jupyter notebook / lab (IPython)

Logging Tools#

  • logging

  • logbook

Machine Learning / Neural Networks / AI#

  • PyTorch

  • TensorFlow

  • Scikit-learn

  • xgboost

Package / Library Manager#

  • pip

  • Conda

Science / Chemistry Tools#

  • ambertools (pytraj, parmed)

  • alchemlyb

  • biopython

  • openbabel

  • rdkit


  • jinja2

  • mako

Testing Application / Package / Library#

  • hypothesis

  • pytest

  • mamba

  • tox

  • unittests

Website Template#

  • jupyterbook

  • pysphinx