1. Conda / miniconda / anaconda#

  • Programs that manages other programs, specificaly for python

  • A forver power struggle between slight changes in package/library versions

  • Without conda, you will definitely bloat your computer with 3 different versions of python

  • Very important to have:

    1. Virtiual envionrments - virtual partition which isolates different paackages that might otherwise confict

    2. jupyter lab / jupyter notebook - interactive interface for python. very helpful for beginnners

1.1. Installing Miniforge3#

In the repository:

  1. Scroll down to the Download section

  2. Find your operating system (OS)

  3. Click the link

  4. Copy the downloaded file to your ~/Programs folder

    1. Make one if you haven’t! (mkdir -p ~/Programs)

  5. Run the installation script with bash <Miniforge-link>.sh

  6. Choose your installation directory as ~/Programs/miniforge3

By default, you start in the base environment, which looks like:

(base) username@computer:~ username$