2.1. Export Dry Trajectory (no water)#

Original Example

CPPTRAJ can be used to remove explicit water from the simulation. To do this, make 2 files: 1) Strip water from trajectory, and 2) save new topology file.

  1. Strip water from trajectory (traj1.in)

    • Load topology/trajectory files

    • autoimage re-orients the solute in the water box

    • strip removes the residues WAT and counterions

    • Fit new trajectory to alpha carbons

    • Save as dry-prod.nc

parm step3_pbcsetup.parm7
trajin prod.nc
strip :WAT,Na,Cl
rms @CA
trajout dry-prod.nc 
  1. Make a new topology file (traj2.in)

parm step3_pbcsetup.parmm7
parmstrip :WAT,Na,Cl 
parmwrite out dry-step3.parm7 

Run these commands with CPPTRAJ

cpptraj traj1.in
cpptraj traj2.in