3.3.2. Applying Distance Restraints in Classical MD Simulations#
We can apply restraints to atoms or residues if we are interested in modelling a specific process such as diffusion or binding.
Building on from the simple
tutorial, the goal here is to simulate the process of 2 Alanine Dipeptide molecules slowly diffusing away from each other using sander
in the ambertools
conda environment.
Fig. 3.3 MD trajectories of 2 Alanine Dipeptide molecules (shown as ball-and-stick), solvated in water (shown as line) as viewed on VMD. Resrtrains were placed on the center-of-mass between both molecules starting from a distance of 4 Å and gradually increased to 15 Å.#
In this tutorial, we will:
Add a new project folder (
to make the molecule (in Amber format)Prepare inputs for MD simulations
Prepare restraint files
Run MD simulations with
Analyze the trajectory
This assumes you have already installed some form of conda, and made the conda environment “ambertools”.
This tutorial can be perform on your local computer
Download my files for reference: distance.tar.bz2 Prepare Files & Folders#
Make a project folder, called “distance” in the ~/Tutorials
directory, and change to that directory. Optionally, if you downloaded the reference file, we will move distance.tar.bz2
into the reference folder.
cd ~/Tutorials # Go to $HOME/Tutorials
mkdir distance # Make "distance" folder
cd distance # Go to "distance" folder
cd ~/Tutorials/references # Go to $HOME/reference (Made in simple tutorial)
# I use curl on my Macbook
curl -O
tar xvfj distance.tar.bz2 # Extract file with tar
cd ../ # Go back one directory level
mkdir distance # Make "distance" folder
cd distance # Go to "distance" folder Make Topology and Coordinate Files#
Similar to the simple
tutorial. We use leap
to prepare our Amber topology and coordinate file. Since Alanine Dipeptide is still an amino acid, we can use tleap
to generate the topology (.parm7
) and coordinate files(.rst7
). The tleap
program contains reference coordinates for standard residues to generate missing atoms, this function is base on the residue name.
Give tleap
instructions by making a file called “tleap.in” containing:
source leaprc.protein.ff19SB
source leaprc.water.TIP3P
sys1 = sequence { ACE ALA NME }
sys2 = sequence { ACE ALA NME }
translate sys2 { 5 0 0 }
system = combine { sys1 sys2 }
solvatebox system TIP3PBOX 12.0 iso 0.8
saveamberparm system step3_pbcsetup.parm7 step3_pbcsetup.rst7
savepdb system step3_pbcsetup.pdb
This is almost the same as the tleap
file we made in the simple
tutorial. Here is an explanation for what each line does:
line tell Amber which force field parameters we want for our molecules, this is always at the top of the fileleaprc.protein.ff19SB
contains protein parametersleaprc.water.TIP3P
has the water parameters
is one molecular unit of Alanine Dipeptidesys2
is another molecular unit of Alanine Dipeptidetranslate sys2 { 5 0 0 }
shifts the second molecular unit by 5 Å in the x-directionsystem = combine { sys1 sys2 }
merges both units to one unit,system
solvatebox system TIP3PBOX 12.0 iso 0.8
line create a a water box around thesystem
, such that the minimum distance between any atom insystem
and the edge of the periodic box12.0
rotates thesystem
to orient the principal axes0.8
is how close a solvent atom can be to the system atoms
saveamberparm system step3_pbcsetup.parm7 step3_pbcsetup.rst7
line savessystem
as Amber topology (step3_pbcsetup.parm7
) and coordinate (step3_pbcsetup.rst7
) filessavepdb system step3_pbcsetup.pdb
saves the unit as a PDB filequit
line exits the tleap program.
Run tleap
, check if you have the 3 new files, and visualize them!
tleap -sf tleap.in
We made 2 molecule of alanine dipeptide, where one unit is sys1
, and the other unit is sys2
. tleap
will automatically place both units in the center of the water box. We changed this by using translate
and move sys2
5 Å away in the x-direction. Next, we need to combine both units, solvate the system with water, and save the topology/coordinate files, as well as a new PDB file.
The PDB file will help us with identifing atom/residue indexes for the restraint file!! Prepare MD Inputs - Simulation Settings#
Prepare 2 MD input files, min.mdin
, and heat.mdin
. These files contain the settings for the first stage of the simulations.
Heating (for 10 ps at 300 K)
Minimization input file in explicit solvent
! Minimization options
imin=1 ! Turn on minimization
maxcyc=2000, ! Maximum number of minimization cycles
ncyc=1000, ! Steepest-descent steps, better for strained systems
! Potential energy function options
cut=8.0, ! nonbonded cutoff, in angstroms
! Control how often information is printed to the output file
ntpr=100, ! Print energies every 100 steps
A NVT simulation for common production-level simulations
imin=0, ! No minimization
irest=0, ! This is NOT a restart of an old MD simulation
ntx=1, ! So our inpcrd file has no velocities
! Temperature control
ntt=3, ! Langevin dynamics
gamma_ln=1.0, ! Friction coefficient (ps^-1)
temp0=300, ! Target temperature
! Potential energy control
cut=9.0, ! nonbonded cutoff, in angstroms
! MD settings
nstlim=10000, ! 10K steps, 10 ps total
dt=0.001, ! time step (ps)
ntc=2, ! Constrain bonds containing hydrogen
ntf=2, ! Do not calculate forces of bonds containing hydrogen
! Control how often information is printed
ntpr=1000, ! Print energies every 1000 steps
ntwx=1000, ! Print coordinates every 5000 steps to the trajectory
ntwr=1000, ! Print a restart file every 10K steps (can be less frequent)
ntxo=2, ! Write NetCDF format
ioutfm=1, ! Write NetCDF format (always do this!)
! Wrap coordinates when printing them to the same unit cell
! Restraint options
restraintmask=':1-6', ! Apply weak positional restraint on residues
/ Restraint Files#
To apply a distance restraint, I typically use the Umbrella Sampling approach. If I avoid all the gritty details, the setup only requires 1 additional restraint file (cv.rst
) for each restraint value.
If our initial distance between the 2 molecules is 5 Å, and the goal is to observe some property of the system when the distance is 15 Å. Then I want to sample some distances < 5 Å and increment that distance at some value until I reach 15 Å. The increment between distance will depend on the system and property you’re studying.
Since this is a simple example, we will start with a restraint value of 4 Å and increment this by 4, until we reach 16 Å (i.e.,** our restraint values are 4, 8, 12,and 16 Å**)
The files we need to make are, prod.mdin
and cv.rst
, but each file must have a restraint value of 4, 8, 12, or 16. To keep files organized, I recommend sequentially ordering the files like:
Produdction MD File |
Restraint File |
Restraint Value (Å) |
prod0.mdin |
cv0.rst |
4 |
prod1.mdin |
cv1.rst |
8 |
prod2.mdin |
cv3.rst |
15 |
prod3.mdin |
cv4.rst |
16 |
The following is a template for preparing the 4 copies of prod.mdin
and cv.rst
A NVT simulation for common production-level simulations
imin=0, ! No minimization
irest=1, ! This IS a restart of an old MD simulation
ntx=5, ! So our inpcrd file has velocities
! Temperature control
ntt=3, ! Langevin dynamics
gamma_ln=1.0, ! Friction coefficient (ps^-1)
temp0=300, ! Target temperature
! Potential energy control
cut=9.0, ! nonbonded cutoff, in Angstroms
! MD settings
nstlim=10000, ! <span style="font-size:1.5em;">**Options in `cv.rst`**</span>MD steps
dt=0.001, ! time step (ps)
ntc=2, ! Constrain bonds containing hydrogen
ntf=2, ! Do not calculate forces of bonds containing hydrogen
! Control how often information is printed
ntpr=1000, ! Print energies every ntpr steps
ntwx=1000, ! Print coordinates every ntwx steps to the trajectory
ntwr=1000, ! Print a restart file every 10K steps (can be less frequent)
ntxo=2, ! Write NetCDF format
ioutfm=1, ! Write NetCDF format (always do this!)
! Wrap coordinates when printing them to the same unit cell
! Restraints
nmropt=1, ! Turn on restraints
&wt type='DUMPFREQ', istep1=10 / ! Print restraint value every 10 steps
&wt type='END' /
r1=-20, r2=__VALUE, r3=__VALUE__, r4=20,
rk2=10.0, rk3=10.0,
“__VALUE__” is the restraint VALUE… 4, 8, 12, or 16
“__NUMBER__” with corresponding run… 0, 1, 2, or 3
Since this simulation will take some time, we will start the job first and then look into the details of the files. Run MD with Bash Script#
Instead of running each simulation one command at a time (like we did in the simple
tutorial), we can write a script to run it for us! Make a file called, vi runmd.sh
$sander -O -i min.mdin -p step3_pbcsetup.parm7 -c step3_pbcsetup.rst7 -o min.mdout -r min.ncrst -inf min.mdinfo
$sander -O -i heat.mdin -p step3_pbcsetup.parm7 -c min.ncrst -o heat.mdout -r heat.ncrst -inf heat.mdinfo -ref min.ncrst -x heat.nc
$sander -O -i prod0.mdin -p step3_pbcsetup.parm7 -c heat.ncrst -o prod0.mdout -r prod0.ncrst -inf prod0.mdinfo -x prod0.nc
$sander -O -i prod1.mdin -p step3_pbcsetup.parm7 -c prod0.ncrst -o prod1.mdout -r prod1.ncrst -inf prod1.mdinfo -x prod1.nc
$sander -O -i prod2.mdin -p step3_pbcsetup.parm7 -c prod1.ncrst -o prod2.mdout -r prod2.ncrst -inf prod2.mdinfo -x prod2.nc
$sander -O -i prod3.mdin -p step3_pbcsetup.parm7 -c prod2.ncrst -o prod3.mdout -r prod3.ncrst -inf prod3.mdinfo -x prod3.nc
After saving the file, run the script in as a background process with the &
bash runmd.sh &
While we wait for this job to run, we can look at file we made.
Options in prod.mdin
The last 10 lines of prod.mdin
! Restraints
nmropt=1, ! Turn on restraints
&wt type='DUMPFREQ', istep1=10 / ! Print restraint value every 10 steps
&wt type='END' /
Options in cv.rst
This file follows:
- iresid=0
Use atom numbering (Turning this on, resid=1
, seems to not work on my laptop which is why we use atom numbering).
- Center of mass (COM) of the first residue.
- Center of mass (COM) of the second residue.
- The shape of the potential.
- Restraint force constant (kcal/mol)
PHEWWWW*, that was kind of confusing, huh? Visualize and Analysis#
Now you can visual the results with VMD or Chimera, and perform some analysis.